
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Wow what a busy month; Christmas shopping, Christmas plays, Christmas parties. I have officially survived the madness and am now left with my contribution as Santa's little helper - the wrapping!!!

I love this time of year usually, it has taken me a little while to feel the Christmas spirit this year but I am getting there! With the house now decorated, the memories of each bauble purchased and the smile that it brings, I am finally feeling very festive.

It is around this time of year that the conversations start with children that are old enough to question; 'is Santa real Mummy?' My answer 'He is real if you believe he is'! The spirit of Saint Nicholas lives on in all of us, in the spirit of giving and the joy of that it brings.

On that note, as Santa won't wait any longer for his help (he is on a tight schedule!) I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and that Santa graces your house with all that you wish for. I look forward to all the inspiration that 2012 will bring.

Monday 5 December 2011

How Sad!

I read an article today in the Guardian - the headline '4 million children in the UK do not own a book'. I know in the age of kindles and playstations etc... that headlines like this are not rare yet it never fails to raise a frown to my face. Our family life would not be complete without a nightly dose of the latest picture book or our favourite adventure! Now I know my husband thinks I should be attending the next meeting of bookaholics anonymous and the thought of Christmas coming with the inevitable splurge on books turns his wallet over in his pocket, but I can't help it! My philosophy is more bookshelves not less books, you can never have enough books, each one is a world in it's self. I only hope that my passion for books and reading; the adventure, the love, the passion, the moral reasoning...the list of things kids can get from reading a good book is endless!!! Maybe if we could instill this passion in more of the nations youth our parks, open spaces and private property would be a little safer! Cost cannot be the reason given all the potential to pick up a cheap book second hand. Some of the best books I have read have been second hand pick ups because they were a bargain. Not forgetting the wonderful Bookstart programme! I don't know what the answer is but surely we should not cast the printed word aside just yet, technological break through's need not take over the world, sometimes things can live side by side...can't they??