
Monday 31 December 2012

Day 31 NaBloPoMo December - New Year New Schedule

So two months of posting everyday are nearly over and I thought I would sign up for another month.....Ha yeah, not likely!!

Seriously, I have loved posting daily but two months is enough. I have a new project that I need to devote my time to and I definitely need to catch up on the blogs I love to read because there are some I haven't visited all month and for this I apologise!! Christmas and blogging everyday was probably not my wisest plan!!
The old, scratched hours without a glass and arrows Stock Photo - 3776662

I thought I would give you a heads up on how I hope things will pan out in the New Year:

Tuesday Tickles/Tunes - This all depends on how I am feeling, you may get both or only one...who knows!

Random Thursdays - Does exactly what it says on the tin and as long as Larissa is hosting the link up party I will be there!!

Fridays - I will either post a Fairy Tale Friday or a piece of Fabulous Friday Fiction (poem or short or whatever else comes to mind).

You may get things in between times if you are really lucky, but this will generally mean I am slacking on my other project and may need a kick in the arse (which I officially give you permission to administer) to get back to what I should be doing ;-)

Do you have any new plans you are making for the new year? Or do you prefer to wing it??

Sunday 30 December 2012

Day 30 NaBloPoMo December - Small Stone Sunday

Although I will continue to write small stones and they may even appear in my posts from time to time, this is the last time I will dedicate a post specifically to them (for the time being anyway).

Seeing as I am on my jollies, I know again, here are a couple of little things I noticed on the drive up here last night.

The wide open moor
The twisty road
The gateway to rest
The start of relaxation

Full and round
Brightly shine
Sparkle on the ocean
As it gently laps the sand

I am so glad we decided to take a break, especially here and especially now. I don't know whether it is because I am away from distractions, in this beautiful place or just because I have given myself permission to write but the words are coming so easily today, I like it :-)

Our beautiful little cottage, all cosy and sparkly.

Bamburgh Castle looking majestic.
How are you seeing in the New Year? I will be happily seeing it in snuggled up with my dance music loving other half, I actually don't mind this tune and the lyrics seem oddly appropriate!!

Saturday 29 December 2012

Day 29 NaBloPoMo December - Saturday Sing Along

As today is the last Saturday Sing Along I decided to make today a bit of a karaoke session....only joking. I just couldn't decide on what song to include so I have put a few in, I hope one of your favourites is in there ;-)

Because I was listening to this tonight, thanks to Loki and it needs to be shared (Fun - Carry On)

Please don't watch this one if you are at all sensitive, Marilyn Manson is not everyone's cup of coco!!
Because it is one of my favourites! (Stereophonics - Just Looking)
Because I loved them when I was younger (Garbage - Queer)
Because my kids love this at the moment
Well that is certainly an eclectic mix of songs ;-) There will be a fair few favourites I have missed, post a link to yours in the comments section, I always like to discover new things! Happy Saturday.

Friday 28 December 2012

Day 28 NaBloPoMo December - Hansel and Gretel

A couple of weeks ago I asked everyone what their favourite fairy tale is and my twitter pal Anna told me her favourite is Hansel and Gretel. Mainly because of a certain Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode that was based on the fairy tale.

My plan was to re-write peoples favourite tales, kind of like story telling for the next generation, however....I don't know if it is the season, the tale it's self or the inevitable adverts for charitable causes that surface around this time of year. But I just can't seem to get an angle on this one to re-write it...

The only thing that pops into my head is how fairy tales are all about the loss of innocence; of growing up, taking responsibility and the horrors the world can hold. I wonder if this is how the stories began in the beginning?

Hansel and Gretel; was this a tale to try and explain that when times are hard people get desperate, or is it a tale to tell children that parental love is not a given? Either way there is a certain encouragement to grow up, for the children to become responsible for their own fate.

I think maybe I just don't relate to the adult characters in the tale and that is the reason I have struggled to re-write this?? I cannot understand how parents can possibly consider abandoning their children. I know if food was short I would pull an Erin Brockovich and watch my babies eat and go hungry myself, the thought of abandoning them in the forest would not even cross my mind. Plus growing up before their time is something I never want for my children, been there...done the t-shirt and it went baggy!

So apologies to Anna, I meant for you to get a lovely Sleepy re-write and you got my rantings instead. As a sweetener....

You can still let me know you favourite fairy tale, either in the comments or click on the 'you want me' tab for other ways to contact me. Fairy tale Friday's will still be appearing in January, just maybe not every week. Stay tuned for the post NaBloPoMo line up!

Thursday 27 December 2012

Day 27 NaBloPoMo December - Giving

This time of year kind of gets hijacked by children (and adults) with a severe case of the 'I wants' and that always kind of makes me sad!

Aside from the obvious issues I have with families that are struggling and countries where people struggle for food never mind the latest electronic gadget. The main reason I get sad is because I don't like to put too much weight behind the receiving, I prefer to give.

In recent years I have drifted into the mind set of 'what do you want?' and buying something the person wants, something practical. These kinds of gifts are well received, they are never a surprise and are usually put to one side as quickly as they are opened. It's a time thing, kids come along and your time is zapped, add in work and the easy option becomes the only one you go for out of necessity.

This year a dear friend has come into my life and reminded me what it is like to put thought, time and energy into the gifts we give. To think about the person you are giving the gift to, what you want the gift to say and what will make that special person smile when they open their gift.

She is the reason I gave at least one special present from my heart this year and why it is my mission for 2013 to get to know her much better so by this time next year she will have a gift to light up her life.

As a thank you and because I know you need something to smile about today here is one thing to look forward to, one thing to ogle and one thing to enjoy now ;-)

and finally
(why does Ben Whishaw always look like he is up to something O_o)

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Day 26 NaBloPoMo December - Hold That Thought

Honestly, I intended to write something for you today. I have been sat here in my PJ's all day so I have had the time, but do you know what I got distracted. Distracted by Cluedo and Twister and fillet steak over candle light. So now I am off to bed having had a really lovely Christmas it is back to reality tomorrow!!

In the mean time I will leave you with a little classic Cranberries.

How was your Christmas? Did Santa bring you every thing you wanted?

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Day 25 NaBloPoMo December - Merry Christmas

(The lovely Imelda May, my girly crush!)

I hope Santa brought everything you wished for.

Monday 24 December 2012

Day 24 NaBloPoMo December - Sexy Santa

Ok, so if I find Santa looking like this putting pressies under my tree it would only be polite to give him a thank you kiss right?!?

And just in case you would prefer Santa to look like this:

Or this:

Or this:

Or maybe:

Personally, they all look mighty fine!!

I hope all your preparations are going well and you have a lovely Christmas, whatever your traditions are!

Sunday 23 December 2012

Day 23 NaBloPoMo December - Samll Presents, Small Stones

A time of giving
A time to receive
But the only thing I need
Is the smile that lets me breathe
(the video isn't much cop but their voices are great - I give you the Puppini Sisters)
Happy Christmas Eve Eve ;-)

Saturday 22 December 2012

Day 22 NaBloPoMo December - Sing Along Saturday

Yet another Christmassy treat for you. Festive lights and Bryan Adams, what more do you need??

We are nearly there now!! 3 more sleeps :-D

Oh and seeing as I exceeded 5,000 page views today I thought I would celebrate with an extra song. I love this song and it is pretty spot on for how I feel today too, even if it isn't really Christmassy!

Friday 21 December 2012

Day 21 NaBloPoMo December - Happy Yule

So technically not a fairy tale, however this is my all time favourite story at Christmas, and I love Christmas stories therefore you get to share it with me. I love nothing more on Christmas Eve than to curl up in bed with the munchkins and read this story before the go to bed!

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Clement Clarke Moore (1779 - 1863)
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the houseNot a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the
window I flew like a flash
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his
head like
a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"
What is your favourite Christmas story?

Thursday 20 December 2012

Day 20 NaBloPoMo December - It's all about the Donkey

"Our Betsy is Mary you know"

"No I didn't"

"Yes, she has her own lines to say. She is going to be a star"


"What part does Johnny have?"

"Oh, he's a mouse"

"Right! And Alfie?

"A donkey"

"I'm sure they'll be just lovely"

You can just see conversations like this happening up and down the country. Mothers competing over who's child is the biggest star in the nativity. I must point out that I am not of this school of thought. I think all the kids in the gorgeously cute performances shine in their own right. However, having attended a number of nativities in the past few years I have always found it to be the donkey that steals the show (aside from my munchkin who is obviously a bigger star in my eyes regardless of the part they play!)

Who would not instantly fall in love with the donkey? With lies like:

        "Well have ya seen the size of her?" (when talking about carrying Mary and being tired)

Oh and the standard 'Eee Ahh" whilst jumping around the stage.

The donkey in this years nativity was no exception and had the whole audience in fits of laughter!

Today's Christmas song, especially for the other half is Dominick the Donkey:

We are just about getting through this last mad week before Christmas. How are you doing? Are you all organised?

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Day 19 NaBloPoMo December - Home

Loki at The Modfather was talking yesterday about home and how she is glad to be back in Lancashire.

Having not lived outside of Lancashire I cannot claim to have felt this way. However, what I have had recently is an overwhelming relief that I didn't follow my dreams and move far far away. Once upon a time, and also in the not so distant past, the thoughts and often detailed plans were hatched to move away. I am talking anything from the south of this country to clear across the big pond to the land of dreams. What I thought I wanted was to get away from was where I lived, I realise what I actually wanted to get away from was me. I didn't like who I was. I was an old and hagged version of me, I hated what I had become, I hated my job...the list goes on.

Now, I'm in a much better place, I like me and I don't really care if others do too or not. This has de-misted my eyes and I can see much clearer. Being able to look around me and see what is here, along with the talented art of Lee Johnson has allowed me to appreciate what I almost gave up.

So; inspired by Loki, with thanks to Lee, this is my home, this is Lancashire.

(Lee has kindly allowed me to post one of his shots here...I am soooo lucky. Please bob over and take a look, as well as being super talented he shows Lancashire in the most beautiful ways)

When I was young
I used to dream
Of sailing the ocean wide
Take myself across the sea
To the promised land
There was a moment
A desperate time
When the dream took flight
I searched, I planned
It was close enough to touch
Back then we stayed
It was too far away
Right now I see
The reason was more than you
It was inside me too
For now I see, I appreciate
All that is around
The beauty of this green isle
It's many secret corners
Yet so close to the ocean grand
I am where I belong
The woodlands and hills
Beauty in solitude
Or side splitting laughter
This is my promised land
Seeing as it is nearly Christmas and I have had a special request (see tomorrow), there will be a Christmas song every day from now until Christmas.
Please listen to this one, I stumbled upon her voice whilst searching You Tube for different Christmas songs. Her sound is beautiful and hypnotising and altogether amazing, this is Maria Mena
How do you feel about where you live? Will you be home for Christmas?

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Day 18 NaBloPoMo December - Christmas Crackers


What did the sea Say to Santa?

                                             Nothing! It just waved!

Monday 17 December 2012

Day 17 NaBloPoMo December - Monday Moments

As I fully intend to be out enjoying life tonight with friends and will not have time to share any Monday Moments with you I hope you enjoy this pre-recorded message instead.

The other week I was awarded a Liebster Blog Award which I then awarded to Deb at Kicking Corners. She has opened up her questions to anyone and seeing as the are cool questions I thought I would answer them....on one condition. You see Deb cheated a little, well more bent the rules and didn't give up 11 facts about herself, she only posted one. So for answering the questions I want one more Deb fact (I know you all do too) and obviously 1 + 1 + 11 so she'll be all square in terms of the rules ;-)

My imaginary conversation with Deb:

Deb - Can I ask you a question?
Me - Sure, you can ask me anything!
Deb - Ok if you're sure:

1. What's a quote you either very much agree or disagree with? Why?

Roald Dahl "those who don't believe in magic will never find it"
The years I was mistaken and thought a certain jolly man of a Christmassy disposition didn't exist were among the more boring years I can remember. Now I have come to my senses and can truly say I believe ion Santa the magic of Christmas has returned!

2. Do you like kids? Why or why not?

I love kids, because they are so innocent and receptive and joyous.

3. What's your favorite part of the winter holiday season? Why?

That moment just between when you and the kids wake up on Christmas Day morning before you check to see if Santa has been.

4. What are your thoughts about the goddess Bast?
Catty, I'm not sure we'd get on. I'm more of a dog person.

5. Did/do you have a favorite childhood cartoon? Why or why not?

Inspector Gadget, because those arms would come in really handy!

6. What does this bring to mind: "Double the pleasure, double the fun..."?
Hmmm, not sure my initial thought is broadcasteable. Needless to say it was slightly juvenile and made me giggle ;-)

7. Do you prefer to drink your favorite beverage from a bottle or glass?
Glass, unless it's a Corona!!

8. What is a memory you have where a kite was somehow involved?

My Mum, myself and a friend went up on my favourite hill (Pendle, well more the nick of Pendle), it was a particularly windy day and we went to fly some amazing kites we got in America (my visit to California aged 8). Anyway my friend was quite petite and was literally pulled down the hill and at one point lifted off the ground. We all ended up falling about laughing trying to pin her down whilst my Mum pulled the kite in.

9. Do you get moody when you're hungry?
Yes, very!! I also get grumpy when I don't eat what I want to be eating!

10. What are five small-ish objects closest to you?

My phone (think I need to have it surgically removed sometimes), a box of Christmas cards (yet to write, oopps), a Lindor chocolate (it is Christmas), the TV remote (because I'm a lazy ass), My notepad (another one that need surgically removing!)

11. What is a random detail that sticks out in your mind about a significant event in your life?
On one period of hospitalisation that my Dad's illness was peppered with my Mum and I had made an effort to get dressed up for my Dad. She had bought me a pair of high heeled shoes just like hers and I felt so grown up. I clearly remember the sound of our heels clicking down the silent corridor with that nervous feeling in my stomach wondering how he would be today, hoping we wouldn't get there and his bed be empty (that thought scared the hell out of me on every visit).
Wow I haven't thought about that in a long time!!!!
Sorry I can't leave the post on that note so you can have one more fact about me:
In textual types of messages I will keep replying in order to continue the conversation with you for as long as possible, just because it makes me feel a little closer to you.
Ok Deb, over to you. One more fact ;-)

Sunday 16 December 2012

Day 16 NaBloPoMo December - Seasonal Small Stones

The bustling streets
Shoppers on a mission
Open you eyes
To the Christmas Cheer

I don't know who this guy is. All I know is he made me smile when the day was threatening to turn stressful. I mean who wouldn't smile at a Christmas Pud hat, and his voice was enchanting. So if anyone happens to know this guy and can tell me his name I would appreciate it!!
Shortly after the above experience, a sausage and a hot chocolate we came across this...
I have thoroughly enjoyed Christmas shopping this year :-)

Saturday 15 December 2012

Day 15 NaBloPoMo December - Seasons Sing Along

As requested by Kate at Nested here is her pick of the seasonal tunes.

And here is a Brucie Bonus just because the dude playing the cello looks like he is enjoying the tune as much as Kate likes it ;-)

As for me the Christmas panic has set in there is so much I have left to do....but after listening to this I am feeling a little more chilled, thanks Kate.

Friday 14 December 2012

Day 14 NaBloPoMo December - Favourite Fairy Tale Friday

Last week I asked for your favourite fairy tales and Jewles from Frazzled & Frumpy chose one of my favourites. So for this reason (read here writers block and I have something old to re-hash that will work) I will feature her choice today.

No seriously, Snow White and Rose Red is not one of the more popular fairy tales, yet when Deb at Kicking Corners set a challenge based on this fairy tale I was hooked.

I read some fairy tales and see all the twists and turns, I see the way things could have worked out after the 'happily ever after', I see the same framework with a modern take or sometimes the whole dynamic in the tale gets flipped on its head and I see a widower not a widow. Sometimes they don't speak to me at all!!

More often than not I get to wondering how this story started, were the village elders trying to warn the younger generation about the dangers in the world? Or did something happen in a village and the story erupted out of that?

Did the family in this tale let in a very hairy stranger to shelter and did one of the daughters fall for this ruggedly handsome man? Has the story developed from such a non-magical beginning? Stories and tales have traditionally been passed down through the generations. Each story teller tweeking the story as it passes through their age. Will people tell our stories in such fanciful ways long after we have gone? Or has the ability to record and reproduce information and stories all but buried this tradition. Our tales doomed to be re-told verbatim time and time again, never to change. And how sad would that be?

Sorry tangent much, sorry! In response to Deb's challenge I attempted a re-write of the tale, and here it is. I hope you enjoy it and if you have read it before (thanks for sticking with me for so long) can you see if I have tweeked my story on the second telling?

Snow White and Rose Red

see original here

There was a man and woman who lived on the outskirts of a vast forest. They lived a simple life in a small cottage; grew vegetables in their garden, collected fruit from the trees around their house and kept chickens which dutifully gave them eggs for breakfast every morning. The woman loved nothing more than to tend flower garden, especially in summer, when she would hum along with the bees as they skipped from flower to flower. Her favourite amongst them all were the roses that guarded the front door. One a deep ruby red and the other the purest white rose that ever there was. These roses produced beautiful blooms from the passing of the last frost until the first nip of Jack in the winter.

Every day she would cut one bloom from each rose and place them in a vase, taking a moment to say her silent prayer wishing for a child whom they could shower with love. Her husband felt the same and wondered year after year why they had yet to be blessed.

A few years later, when they thought that all hope was lost, during her usual ritual and silent pray the woman caught her finger on a thorn. Her blood splattered on the crisp snow, the first of the season, at the base of the roses. T hat winter the roses continued to bloom along with the unborn children in her womb. The woman gave birth to beautiful twin girls. But tragedy struck and she only survived long enough to name her daughters; Snow White, for she had the palest skin anyone had ever seen and Rose Red, for she had lips as red as the rose at her door. The man grieved for his soul mate but adapted to his new role as sole parent well. Every day he continued the tradition of placing to roses, one white one red, in the vase at the window; saying his silent prayer to his wife and expressing his gratitude for the girls they had longed to raise together. Life continued, but from the day of her death the little cottage was never without roses in the window. They continued to bloom throughout the winter, defying Jack Frost and his reaches and bringing a smile to the widowers face, letting him know he was never alone.

His daughters grew to be just as beautiful and gracious as his wife. Rose Red became a passionate young woman, head strong in her ways, even in her childhood exploring the forest with reckless abandon. Snow White was her opposite in almost every way, the quiet and watchful of the sisters. During their childhood the sisters complimented each other, doting on their Father and always ensuring their chores were completed before going into the forest to explore, sharing everything together; they were the dream come to life.

One evening, as the girls sang in poetic harmony to their Father, there came a knock at the door. Raising calmly Snow opened the door to the icy air and was faced with a tall and dark man wearing a brooding expression.

“May I enter to warm by your fire, the night is so cold and I will not make it to where I am safe”

“Of course, please sit, I will fetch a blanket” came Snow’s compassionate response to the figure before her. He was a tall and well built figure with long dark hair pulled into a leather thong at the nape of his neck. He stood there in just jeans and shirt sleeves, with ice crystals in his hair trying fight the convulsions that came with being so cold. As Snow returned with a thick crocheted blanket Rose moved from her customary spot in front of the fire to let their mysterious guest sit. Although they were all curious as to the predicament the stranger found himself in none drew attention to it, they simply whiled the evening away with anecdotes, laughter and tea. Eventually came the time when they were all ready to retire to bed, even give his concerns for his daughter’s safety the Father could not bear to see this man turned out into the cold and dark of the forest.

As the man rose to bid the family farewell the Father, placing his hand on the man’s shoulder, said “Please, we have little, but feel free to sleep by the fire and remain safe and warm for the evening”

The man was rendered speechless by the family’s kindness and could simply nod in appreciation.

The following day the sun was shining and it was beginning to feel like spring was in the air. After spending time helping the family with the daily chores, the stranger bid the family farewell.

“Will we ever see you again?” Snow asked as they parted at the garden gate. She was quite taken with this lost soul who had wandered into their lives.

“May be some day, when you need me, maybe” and with that he was gone......
I had completely forgotten I hadn't finished this....Hmmm think I will have to revisit this and complete the tale.
Hope that makes you feel a little better Jewels ;-)

Thursday 13 December 2012

Day 13 NaBloPoMo December - Peter Pan Complex

A couple of years ago I hit 30, this transition was not welcomed by me!! I recall heading for my bed and hiding under the duvet (or at least I wanted to). I have mentioned before about my relationship with birthdays and getting older, it's not good!

I made myself a promise to try and remain young, to live like Peter Pan and never grow old. It's not about wrinkles you understand, it is about how I feel inside.

There are many things that keep me smiling on the inside and therefore remain young.

* My kids

* My Other Half

* My friends

* This little bloggy community

* Having fun with the kids in the library (glitter will do that to you!)

But the best bit of my Peter Pan complex is getting to rebel a little. To do the things I didn't do when I was younger for fear appearing childish and not grown up enough!!

Here are my latest exploits:

This really doesn't do my fab new hair do justice! It really looks like my hair is on fire :-)
And seriously why wouldn't you love these (skull laces and all)??
Have you discovered Neverland? Hand over the directions, everything is better when you share ;-)

Tis the season to be cheesey, hee hee

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Day 12-12-12 NaBloPoMo December - Friends

see original here
I've been searching all my life
For someone just like you
I can be there in times of need
And you would be there for me too
I always smile when you pop up
Because chatting is so effortless
Face to face or via text
Though laughing has some side effects
It seems you are what I was searching for
You plug a hole inside me
A connection with the world and more
I just wish you saw what I see.
I have had many friends in my life, some who I still count as my friends some who are no longer in my life. Recently I have come to see what I have been missing, friendship as a two way street. It is a long time since I have had that!! Many people have been awol when it came time to be there for me, many more simply aren't close enough.
In a little twist of my life I have realised I have the final piece of my puzzle; I have my other half, I have my babies, I enjoy my job, developed a hobby that I enjoy and now I have a few close friends who make my world complete (even if they don't live on the same continent). You know who you are and I thank you for being in my life. 

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Day 11 NaBloPoMo December - Christmas Crakers

Spoils of a lovely Christmas meal last week with friends:

Why don't ducks tell jokes when they're flying?

.......Because they would quack up.


Day 10 NaBloPoMo December - Monday Moments

Bah, today I feel like ranting. Things don't usually get me worked up but today I am having a grrrrrr moment!

Instead I am going to share a random moment with you:

This dropped out of a book today at work

Of course my mind recognised this hand in an instant and it then got to wondering about celebrity and beauty, big leap I know.
Why are celebrities revered as the most beautiful in our society? Is something real and beautiful on the inside much more preferable?

Sunday 9 December 2012

Day 9 NaBloPoMo December - Twinkly Small Stones

The smell of pine
Jingle of bells
Smell of mulled wine
Giggles with a great friend

I have had a lovely weekend, even if Christmas tree decorating was no where near as romantic as films make out!!!

How has your weekend been?

Saturday 8 December 2012

Day 8 NaBloPoMo December - Cheesy Christmas Sing Along

Saturday's sing along is especially for Loki-Lou who asked for this song facing certain ridicule, how could I refuse such a request?

Here's to much Cluedoing this Christmas ;-)

(and the full 7 minute version too!)

Friday 7 December 2012

Day 7 NaBloPoMo December - Fairy Tale Friday

Fair enough, I admit it....I have run out of time. I wanted to write a post about a cool fairy tale which is believed to have come from Lancashire, looks like this will be next week.

Instead, how's about we go with a little audience participation?? All you need to do is leave a comment with the details of your favourite fairy tale and why.

Simple, right? Or is it harder than it looks......

We will see what happens with these favourites over the coming weeks, I have plans....bwahahaha!

original here

Day 6 NaBloPoMo December - Random Thursday

For random Thursday this week you get to know a little more about me, so skip on to tomorrow if you have already had enough of me!!

Larissa at Papa is a Preacher has passed along a Liebster Blog Award, described on her blog as:


 "The Liebster Blog Award is an award given from bloggers to bloggers that are small to medium in size or up and coming in the blogsphere. Liebster is German for favorite. The award is a way to give beginning bloggers some worthy attention, make connections and let readers learn a little more about you. "

It always surprises me a little when I get things like this passed along, I invariably end up doing a little dance singing 'someone likes me, someone likes me' judging ;-)

So, I have eleven questions to answer, eleven facts about myself and then eleven questions to set for the blogs I pass the award to (all in less than ten minutes to ensure I still post on Thursday not Friday, eeeepp).

1. A childhood memory.

I have many memories of my childhood that revolve around the hospital where my Dad was cared for. There was an auxiliary nurse that would take me doing jobs around the ward to give my Mum and Dad time. She made me my own nurses hat (you know the old fashioned paper ones) and I would wear a plastic apron. I will never forget the day she let me send the laundry down the shoot. Sometimes it's the little things that count.

2. One of your biggest fears. 
The end of the world. To the point that Independence Day (the film) gave me nightmares for a week!

3. Something you wish you knew at 18.
To just be me and not what others wanted me to be, or at least what I thought they wanted me to be.

4. Five things you cannot leave the house without.
Notepad and pen (so just one item not two), a scarf of some description, fingerless gloves / wrist warmers (yes occasionally in summer too), usually the kids (although I wish I could leave them behind sometimes!), oh and I guess clean knickers would be a bonus (just in case I get run over by a bus!).

5. Favorite U.S. President. Why?
It always used to be JFK, I love that era, but honestly Obama is just pipping him to the post at the moment.

6. Something on your bucket-list. (Or simply something you really want to do someday.)
See Romeo and Juliet performed at the Globe Theatre.

7. Polkadots, stripes or chevron?
Stripes, I did cry a little this week when my favourite pair of green stripy socks developed a terminal hole (think wicked witch of the east, or was it west...I forget).

8. A place you think everyone should visit!
The UK, there are so many hidden treasures. Step out of the cities and visit the coast, or the hills.

9. If you could change one thing about 2012, what would it be?

Not drinking a whole bottle of wine just to discover me and wine really aren't friends. I only hope Jose will have me back!!

10. Something you like about yourself.
I have said this before but hey I like it - I Love easily and freely, this does also mean my heart is broken frequently but I try not let that stop me from loving.

11. Sunset or sunrise?
If I have to choose it would be the sunset, but only so I could watch the stars all night just to hang around and catch the sunrise too ;-)
Eleven facts d'Sleepy
1. I have a tiny obsession with the concept of soul-mates.
2. I am a chocoholic.
3. I have zip self confidence, although I have been told I come across as confident :-/
4. I try to confront my fears head on, however I would kind of prefer not to face my biggest fear!
5. I maybe still believe in Santa Clause, just a little ;-)
6. I do an excited little dance when I get comments, new followers or get mentioned in a tweet...sad I know!!
7. I am a very auditory kind of person. I associate things and people with songs; either because of the lyrics, because the song is someones favourite or because I was reading a book whilst listening to this song.
8. I am a hippy at heart, I love dancing around bare-foot in lush grass.
9. I prefer giving presents to receiving them, although I should maybe re-phrase that if the other half is reading....I prefer to give presents but still loving getting surprise gifts.
10. I always bite off more than I can chew.
11. If I am in need of inspiration a walk in the wilderness (or as close as I can get to wilderness) usually does the trick, even better with the right kind of company.
*phew* y'all still with me??
Recipients of this award; based on a variety of totally subjective things and chosen by a wholly objective panel of me, me and me, are:
Ok, so my mind has gone blank and I cannot think of any other blogs, that I follow, that are relatively new to all this. If I have not listed you and you feel left out please answer the questions any way and post a link in the comments.
So your questions should you choose to accept this award are:
1. Do you believe in soul-mates and why, even if the answer is no? (sorry shamelessly stealing this question from Loki-Lou because it is such a good question! Thanks Loki)
2. Sunset photo or nighttime shot? (images to compare available here)
3. Fleecy PJ's, Onesie or shorts?
4. Where do you head or to whom do you go if you are in need of inspiration?
5. What song best captures you or your life, either in general or in this moment?
6. What one thing would you have in your life if there were no monetary, moral or other limitations?
7. What is your dream job?
8. What is your Christmas Eve tradition?
9. Do tablets (ie. ipads) make you feel like you are living in a Sci-fi movie?
10. What musical instrument would you play if you could? Or would you sing instead?
11. Candle light or the big light (sorry Northern reference to the main ceiling light in a room)?
Happy question time guys, can't wait to read your answers ;-)