So a little while ago for daily writing prompts I started a story called The Hell Fire Club and the follow up here. Anyway I haven't written in a while so I thought I would get back into the swing of things and this is the story that has been toying with me. Here is the next installment. Let me know what you think.

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"Miss Taylor. Alistair." Trixie the hostess nodded as she
took Frankie's leather jacket from her. Alistair had been right, entering the
club the first time had been the worst. She barely broke her stride now. She
did, however, still need a few seconds to take in the club as the foyer opened
out into all its opulence. Frankie really wasn't used to all this splendor;
two up two downs with her mum growing up and dingy flats through uni were her
thing. Getting used to Alistair's way of doing things was taking a little time.
Taking Alistair's offered arm she leaned in and whispered into his ear,
"Is there a particular reason Trixie is so familiar with you? I mean with
everyone else it seems to be Miss or Sir but you're on first name terms."
She finished raising her eyebrow for effect.
"I've told you before I have been coming for a long time."
"Yeah, so have most of the old dudes in here. Come on, there is a
lot you don't tell me Alistair and I can handle it, mostly. But at some point
you are going to have to start giving something up! Why not start with
something small?"
"Hmmm." Alistair had a pensive look on his face as they slid
into their usual booth and was staring across the room at the guy Frankie
assumed was the owner, he was always there
surveying his empire.
"I mean if you two had a thing it's fine. You seem to be over it
now. I assume the split was amicable? You are both being positively adult about
it. "
"Something like that." Alistair replied, still distracted.
"Hey Mr." Frankie said waving her hand in front of his face.
"Conversation over here. Plus we are supposed to be celebrating something,
but someone wouldn't tell me what. I dressed up and everything." Frankie
pouted and that finally brought Alistair back to the here and now.
"I'm sorry, I....I'm sorry." Alistair sighed with a last quick
glance at the guy. "I did promise someone a celebration didn't I?" He
said with a wicked twinkle in his eye.
He slid his hand in his jacket pocket and pulled out a small red velvet
box. A ring box.
Frankie looked at Alistair, his impeccable hair dark hair brushed back with
not a strand out of place as usual and his dark wicked eyes baring down into
her soul through her eyes. In the last few months he had taken the half broken
woman that she had become, plodding through life like it didn't matter, wasting
it on stupid wishes that she could disappear into a world that didn't exist. And
he had made her whole again. No more than whole, more than she could ever
imagine. Frankie knew that her mouth was probably hanging open by now but she
just kept looking from the box to Alistair and back again.
"Are you going to open it?" Alistair asked quietly and for
the first time Frankie heard doubt and unease within him.
"I..." Frankie started, touching the box with just the tip of
her fingers. Looking up at Alistair, "it's....we've only been together six
"Open it." He whispered.
Frankie gingerly lifted the small box from the table. The velvet was
thick and expensive under her fingers. Taking a deep breath she pulled on the
stiff spring and opened the box. She could barely string a sentence together
before, now looking at the vintage gold ring sat in the shiny black silk there
was no chance of coherent speech. Frankie looked up at Alistair patiently
waiting for her reply and back to the beautiful ring; the emerald cut blood red
stone, the diamonds set down the asymmetrical band and the filigreed claws
holding the captivating stone in place. It was so beautiful, so old, too much.
"It's too much." Frankie whispered finally, her eyes shining
bright with the potential for tears.
"It's the only ring I would choose. Don't over think this Frankie,
are you happy?"
"More than any other time in my life." Frankie replied,
distractedly fingering the ring. "I just don't know if I'm ready for this.
It's a big commitment, I'm giving you me and you'll be giving me you...forever.
Are we ready?"
Closing his hands around Frankie's and snapping the box to in the
centre, taking a breath. "Just think about it, please. Think about what we
have. I don't know about you but I don't want it to ever end."
All Frankie managed was a nod as she watched Alistair slip the little
red box into her bag. With a sigh she knelt on the booth seat and turned toward
the bar. Will, the bartender spotted her and she just mouthed 'Rough Day' then
turned to sit down.
"What was that?" Alistair asked. But before Frankie could
answer Will arrived at the table. Now he was out from behind the bar it was
much more obvious how well toned he was by how well fitting his stripped
waistcoat was and Frankie only noticed now the spatterdashes that he wore over his boots. There were
things all over this place that made you feel like you were stuck in some kind
of time-warp.
"Two glasses?"
"I think so Will, thanks. And maybe the bottle?" Frankie
replied. Alistair meanwhile was sat stunned.
"I took that as a given Frank! I brought the Don, you look like
you need it tonight." Will winked, his reptilian eye flicking sideways,
and after pouring two shots of Don Eduardo Silver Tequila set the bottle on the
"You know all my favourites." Frankie smiled.
"Ah, there she is. Few more of those and you'll be back
"Not sure that's the answer tonight Will, but thanks."
"Well give me a shout if you run out of lime." He said
turning to leave without even acknowledging Alistair's existence. Usually the
world revolved around the men in here and she was an added extra, but Will had
been a friend these past few months. There to run to when things got a little
too weird or when she needed a little time out from the lecherous old men that
sometimes needed to speak with Alistair when she was there.
"So Frank, we're on the hard stuff tonight huh?" Alistair
asked. Was that jealousy that flashed across his face? Nah, she was reading too
much into that.
"Don't get me wrong champagne is lovely. But sometimes tequila is
what a situation requires." Frankie smiled, "let's try and enjoy the
rest of the night? I know it's not the celebration you were hoping for."
"Frankie, you never cease to amaze me. That is a cause to
celebrate in its self." With that he nodded in the direction of the stage
and it was only then that Frankie realised there hadn't been any performers on
yet, which was unusual, just the band playing various background pieces. The
lights dimmed and the heavy bass kicked in. Before even the first spark hit the
stage she knew the fire poi dancers were back. They hadn't seen them since
their first visit to the Hellfire Club but Frankie asked almost every time if
they were on the bill.
"Anything for you."Alistair smiled handing her her glass and
clinking them in an unspoken toast to them.
The fire held no captivation for Alistair that night. He just watched
the glow of the flames dance on her skin, he watched the amazement in her eyes
and he felt the beat pulse through their intertwined fingers. Slowly he came to
the realisation this time he meant every word he said. That singular thought
scared the hell out of him. In three centuries none of them had realised, none
of them had guessed what the contract held and it made her all the more
attractive. He wasn't going to be able to give her up and as that dawned on him
he caught sight of Leonard watching him watch Frankie. How
much had he seen? Was she safe? He hadn't gotten out of the first mess he
got himself into and now he was walking head-long into another.
Alistair was no longer watching Frankie; his eyes were firmly on
Leonard at the blackjack table. Their stares meeting across the club as the poi
dancing rolled seamlessly onto Frankie’s favourite singer. The sultry tones of Madame
Kitzsch melted out from the stage while the smell of sulphur still hung in the
air from the fire, smoke clinging to the floor.
“Dance with me.” Alistair
blurted out.
“But no one else is dancing.” Frankie replied.
“I don’t care. I
need you close to me. Come on.” He said again standing and taking her
hand, pulling her to her feet.
They moved on to the dance floor and Alistair pulled Frankie against
him. She really did look exquisite tonight; wearing a floor length deep
amethyst satin number, she shone like a gem amongst all the blood red of the
club. Tonight he really felt her as they moved to the slow rhythm of the music,
how their bodies fit together, how they moved in sync. They cut a path through the
smoke clinging to the dance floor like birds through the clouds.
“What’s wrong
Alistair? This isn’t just a delayed answer.” Frankie spoke into Alistair’s neck.
“Frankie, pretty soon I am going to have to
tell you some things, but now is not that time. Right now someone is coming,
whatever happens be careful. You know enough to be careful around him.”
Frankie pulled back to look at him and saw fear, quickly masked under
the businessman mask she had seen many times before.
“Remember this above all. I love you, I
really do” He whispered. And pulled her close to prolong what
remained of the dance as he watched Leonard approach from the gambling tables.
“Well you two make a rather cute pair don’t you.” The voice made Frankie jump closer to
Alistair, making the corner of his mouth twitch ever so slightly.
“Good evening Leonard.” Alistair bowed his head slightly, “Frankie this is Leonard he runs the Hellfire Club.”
“So this is the infamous Frankie?” Leonard turned to Frankie, “My dear I
have been remiss in not seeking you out sooner. Or Alistair here has been downright
rude keeping you all to himself.” Alistair caught the annoyance in his tone
and wished that leaving the club would solve their problems. He hoped at this
point it was still an option.
“Leonard, it’s a pleasure.” Frankie, confident as anything stepped up and held
out her hand for the King of Hell to take.
A triumphant grin spread across Leonard’s face as
he took Frankie’s hand to lay a kiss across the knuckles.
All the time keeping eye contact with Alistair.
“Would you mind old chap if I cut in for
this dance?” Leonard sleazed, keeping hold of Frankie’s hand.
Alistair tightened his grip around her waist, “its ok
Alistair. I believe Leonard owes me a dance given the interruption.” He let his arm loosen and she slipped away from him
straight onto the arm of the most dangerous person here. Yet she seemed in
control of the situation, was that
beautiful pixie haired woman going stop amazing him…ever?
* *
Leonard was completely different to Alistair. Where Alistair was gentle
Leonard was forceful and Frankie was pulled against him in a possessive vice
like grip. Frankie could feel that he was well built compare to Alistair’s toned and athletic physique. They had the same dark
eyes though, but somehow Alistair saw her
and had a cheeky wickedness to him. Leonard’s eyes
just seem to be wicked and searching for what they can have and own, they made
Frankie’s skin crawl. But she had met men like Leonard before.
He was no different than the scum that took her when she was sixteen, she was
stronger now. Not physically…but there is more than one way to skin a
The song had a staccato feel to it; Leonardo was using that and moving
them around the floor. Frankie caught a glimpse of Will watching them looking
almost like he was going to throw up and most of the club was watching them too,
it was like the club and its occupants had collectively held its breath.
“So, is this your song then?” Frankie asked, making conversation as they moved.
“What makes you say that?” he asked
“The nod to Kitzsch as we moved away from
“Very perceptive. It’s one of
many. I guess you could say it fits with my personality.” Leonard smiled.
“So we can safely say your halo need a
polish like mine then?” Frankie smiled; maybe she could work with
“Oh no sweetness, it hangs off my horns.” His laugh echoed over the music.
How fun! I'm glad you had time for more of this story. I'm worried for Frankie, and rooting for Alistair and wondering what he did and how he's going to get out of it. Nice work!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I guess I had better go work out how he's going to get out of i ;-)
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ReplyDeleteWow. You put details in all the right places. And you totally left us all tense! You'd better not wait months to write again, cause I'm wondering all sorts of things about Frankie, like why the men are REALLY interested in her, and what she's going to do when she finds out. I'm so glad you're writing.
ReplyDeleteWell some awesome lady said if I write she'll mop my floor so you know there's incentive right there ;-)
DeleteAnd I'm glad I'm, back writing too Leah! Thanks for the awesome encouragement and kind words.