Thursday 24 May 2012

Random Thursday - Grumpy Ass Mood

I had all really great plans to write on Tangled Lou's post about thoughts on cooking. Best laid plans and all that. I have managed to get as far as 'I like food'

Today the problem is the mood I woke up in! My Mum would say 'Someone got out of the bed on the wrong side' Well, I always get out of bed on the same side, how can one day it suddenly become so wrong?

I have snapped at people all day; the other half, friends at work, people on the phone. One would be forgiven for saying that I should have gotten back into bed and stayed there for everyone's safety!! The most frustrating thing is that I have absolutely no idea why.

I tried loud music on the way to work...nope still grumpy! I tried going for a walk at lunch; I took my self off the beaten path and listened to the birds...nope my walking pace got faster and faster until I nearly fell and my breathing was ragged. I stopped and sat under a tree, slowed my breathing and stared up into the canopy, the translucent lime green of the new leaves and the dappled sunshine...nope, I just ended up with tears of frustration etching their way down my cheeks. Ok time to surrender, music back on, a nice bass line that beat in time to my heart, and surrender to the sobs. That was a little better, but still not great.

view original here

A little more snapping later and finally the end of work. Even though I had a meeting this evening, at least it was at the pub and I could enjoy a nice shandy whilst sitting in the sun talking about girls football.

After all that,  I have had my shower, settled down and read some lovely bloggy words. I am feeling much more human! Just one of those days to write off, put behind me and start tomorrow with a much clearer head. Hopefully I will be much more productive tomorrow.

Please tell me you had better days! Tell me your happy stories before I go to bed and lets hope the pixies have turned my bed back to the right way before I get up!


  1. Oh man, I can so relate to days like these. Wish I had seen this last night and been able to give you a happy story before the day ended. Here's one though: my 2 year old came up to me the other day, holding out his index finger and whining. I assumed he had hurt it and went to give it a kiss. Turns out he was whining because he had stuck it down the back of his diaper and had gotten poop on it. I discovered this unfortunate fact after I had kissed it better, of course. Make you feel better? :) Hope today is going better for you!

    1. As my mood wasn't much better today, when this comment popped up in my e-mails it made me smile for a good hour. Then something went wrong at work and my mood did another u-turn. But thank you very much for a very nice hour, note to self have a good look before kissing!!

  2. You've been tagged! :)

    1. I'm excited to see what Sleepy Joe's answers are :)

    2. I am contemplating my answers whilst munching nutella on bread :-) Maybe I should have finished it before getting my laptop out...I just let everyone know my password by marking each key with the yummy chocolate spread lol xx

  3. Hope your days are better. I don't really have anything super great, though I did lay on a hammock for the first time in my life and it was super spectacular! It was in a parking lot of a sports store, but the breeze was great and the hammock felt divine!!

    1. Hammocks are great, so difficult to get on and off you just have to stay there and make the other half wait on you hand and foot. I wonder why he won't let me have one for the garden ;-)

  4. I am sure you are feeling better by now. If not, take a long hot bath and listening to the Chopin music perhaps it will bring the best of you.

    1. Much better thanks and thanks for stopping by :-)

  5. Ugh. I sincerely hate days like you've described. To feel that prickly for absolutely no reason! I hope it was just a glitch and you're feeling better now.

  6. Thanks Jane; a couple of days, some sunshine and a very nice e-mail sorted me out in the end.


Penny for your thoughts

PS Thanks for taking the time to stop by