Thursday 13 September 2012

Swabsploshingly great

When English writer C.S Forester asked Roald Dahl for some details relating to his wartime adventures he replied with a story. Forester sent it to be published in the weekly magazine, the Saturday Evening Post. He then sent a letter to Roald, which ended like this:

'...the Post is asking if you will write more stories for them. I do hope you will.
Did you know you were a writer?'
view original here
Source: Parker, Vic - Roald Dahl 2003


  1. That makes me smile. And I'm loving your blog background, Alison!

    1. Glad to bring you a smile :-) Figured it was time to turn with the season.

  2. What seemed to be a hopeful comment for one man in turn becomes a hopeful comment to a whole other slew of people who dream to be writers. I'm so glad you posted this. I love the picture, and I too am loving your background.


Penny for your thoughts

PS Thanks for taking the time to stop by