Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The eternal fight

The sky that evening was dark to the left and light to the right. Time passes, while I watch the two sides march together, like the two sides in an opposing war. The dark clouds of night, greater in number march on the white clouds of blue at the battle of sunset in the eternal fight. The battle commenced at first touch, it didn't take long for the darkness to dominate the battle, the remaining white stained red by the spoils of war. Moments later the forces of darkness take over and plunge us into night, yet the battle rages while we sleep. In the morning to my surprise the darkness didn't win. The sun rose again, the bright blue sky was peppered with fluffy white dots, just don't look to the horizon just yet.....

The inside of my mind looks a little like this on a daily basis, the eternal fight self doubt versus self confidence. This week I woke up to the blue skies and fluffy white, the self confidence won out (so far). I took myself off to a creative writing workshop, I wrote to prompts for only the second time since I started writing. My confidence knew no bounds, a day of never ending sunshine with not a cloud of darkness in sight, going as far as to read out to the group what I had written. Maybe some alien being inhabited my body for the afternoon, I don't know but I think I took a step closer to thinking of myself as a writer. Or maybe I still just dabble ;-)

 -- white artistic black art pencil draw write blackandwhite writing drawing pencils
view original here
How are your battles raging on?


  1. Glad the light is winning for a while. Perhaps it is the acknowledgement of the light and dark, the breezes of confidence mixed with clouds of self doubt, that define what it is to be a writer?

    1. The outlook tomorrow.....mostly cloudy with a chance of sun.

  2. Beautiful. I'm so glad you went to the workshop, and that you're feeling so positive. Keep going, even through the black-moods. It seems like they add such amazing depth to your white-moods.

    1. That is all we can do, fight through the storms and hope there is something good to write about after ;-)

  3. It took me a long time to claim the title of 'writer' for myself. I felt like I had to be published, or that someone had to give me permission to use that title. Not so.
    You are a writer. Claim it proudly. If anyone says otherwise, send them to me!!

    1. Hun, you have no idea how much that means to me.
      Thank you for being my C.S. Forester!

  4. Oh, I love those inhabited by a (benevolent) alien days! They're a little too few and far between sometimes, though. I think the trick is learning to write regularly regardless of whether you're confident or doubtful--then as you build your skills, your confidence naturally starts to outweigh the doubt. I believe this wholeheartedly but I often let days or week go by without writing when in my one of my doubtful funks. It's always so much easier to give advice than to take it--maybe especially your own advice.

    1. You have me smiling :-) and I really needed to read this today as I am currently sinking in my own doubtful mud trap. Time to grab to rescue rope I think!!


Penny for your thoughts

PS Thanks for taking the time to stop by