Thursday, 20 December 2012

Day 20 NaBloPoMo December - It's all about the Donkey

"Our Betsy is Mary you know"

"No I didn't"

"Yes, she has her own lines to say. She is going to be a star"


"What part does Johnny have?"

"Oh, he's a mouse"

"Right! And Alfie?

"A donkey"

"I'm sure they'll be just lovely"

You can just see conversations like this happening up and down the country. Mothers competing over who's child is the biggest star in the nativity. I must point out that I am not of this school of thought. I think all the kids in the gorgeously cute performances shine in their own right. However, having attended a number of nativities in the past few years I have always found it to be the donkey that steals the show (aside from my munchkin who is obviously a bigger star in my eyes regardless of the part they play!)

Who would not instantly fall in love with the donkey? With lies like:

        "Well have ya seen the size of her?" (when talking about carrying Mary and being tired)

Oh and the standard 'Eee Ahh" whilst jumping around the stage.

The donkey in this years nativity was no exception and had the whole audience in fits of laughter!

Today's Christmas song, especially for the other half is Dominick the Donkey:

We are just about getting through this last mad week before Christmas. How are you doing? Are you all organised?


  1. I have yet to get to go to a nativity play, but you've just upped my excitement for when it does happen. Please someday? I'm ready for some donkey love.

    And it is the last mad week, isn't it. Crazy! I can't believe it came this fast this year. I'm not at all organized. You seem to be?

    1. I am so far from organised this year it is silly, oh well, Christmas will come...ready or not!

      Nativity plays, do you have them in the US? If you do watching the boys in one will be so fabulous!

  2. Not at all organized, but I have always loved the donkey's part of the nativity. It reminds me of that scene in Love Actually when the little girl runs home and tell her mom that she has a part in the nativity.
    "Oh, lovely! And what part do you have?"
    "I'm a lobster."
    "So there were lobsters at the birth of the baby Jesus?"

    1. This time was the first time I have know mice in a nativity!

      "Cheesus, cheesus did somebody say cheesus"

  3. We always do a Nativity play at our family Christmas eve, and yes, the donkey, a cousin carrying another cousin, always gets a laugh.

    I'm pretty much done shopping, just lots of wrapping to do. And baking. And cleaning. Ok, I'm not organized at all.

    1. Your donkey sounds amazing....picture this Christmas???

      I think I am about the same point as you, although I have food to buy still, cleaning, wrapping....why is the list never ending. I think we need a few handy elves!!


Penny for your thoughts

PS Thanks for taking the time to stop by