Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Motivation: Day 21 Unlock their potential

As promised, my competition entry. Hope your fingers are still crossed ;-)

I encourage my children to read because
It opens their minds perchance to dream
It opens their eyes to that which is unseen
It allows their inspiration to soar
It encourages them to create more.

I encourage my children to read because
I want them to be all they can be
I want them to see all they can see
I want to give them passion for life
Even in times of trouble and strife.

I encourage my children to read because
I don’t want them to realise in later life
There’s more to see and read but no time
Words are our past, our present and our future
With them we can live a thousand lives and more


  1. Ooo, thanks for sharing this! I didn't think you would when you were writing about it, but yay you did!

    I love it. It's very thoughtful, picturesque, and it has a certain sort of dance to it. Love the rhythm. Love the last line, what a powerful way to finish.

  2. You like it yay, who cares if I win the books or not Deb likes my poem (funky little victory dance)!


Penny for your thoughts

PS Thanks for taking the time to stop by